The Devil's Desire: Viper
By Emily Rose
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 EDEN I’m looking for a man to call Daddy. I ignore the man child that decided tonight is his night to try and charm me out of my panties and into his bed. Or, more likely, in the back of his car in the parking lot. Seriously, these kids have no idea what it means to seduce a woman. Or charm one. His pick up line was to tell me I obviously needed to spend some time with him because I looked like I am a good time, and he will make sure I have an even better one. I’ve mostly ignored him, but he’s getting on my nerves. I roll my eyes at the bartender, Max, as he brings me another beer. He arches a brow, sliding his gaze over to the kid in question, but I give him a subtle shake of my head. I can handle this kid with my eyes closed. Max smirks, shakes his head in amused exasperation, and then walks away. I let the kid keep on talking away about himself, using the time to drink my beer and let my mind wander. I should have stayed home tonight. I could have drank myself into a stupor at home, and it’s not like I’m looking to find a man to take home tonight anyway. I broke things off with Timmy a few weeks ago, and the last thing I need right now is another man to drive me crazy. Timmy is a good guy and all, but he’s just okay. In life, in our short relationship, and worse, in bed. He was nice enough, treated me kindly, but he’s boring. I mean, what did I expect, really? He’s an accountant at a huge firm, and he runs a huge team, but he’s obsessed with numbers and how he’s going to make partner in a few years. I can’t tell you how many of our dates were him talking about his job, making my eyes glaze over. I swear I could feel my brains leaking out of my ears by the time he finished. It took so much effort to pay attention and seem involved in the conversation. Somehow I managed it though. And to top it off, he was just as boring in bed as he was out of it. His idea of foreplay was to rub my clit a couple times, and pinch my nipples once. The actual sex was him pushing inside and pumping away for a few minutes to get himself off. Then kiss me, pull out, roll away and go shower, leaving me to take care of myself. It was damn annoying. Still, I gave him a few more chances before I called it quits. I let him down as easily as I could, but I know I hurt him. But it’s for the best. However, now I have to deal with these fuck boys and their stupid lines when I felt like stopping for a drink. This is the time I wish my best friend, Sadie, came with me. Sadie is loud and wild, like me, and she’s been my best friend for a long time, and we always manage to have a lot of fun. Too bad she has to work late tonight. Sadie is the manager of an upscale boutique here in the city, and every so often a top client will have an appointment after hours. Tonight is one of those nights. So I’m on my own. I finish half of my beer before I finally have had enough and turn to look at the kid. “Look,” I interrupt him mid-sentence. He stops and stares at me, clearly surprised I’ve interrupted him. “You seem like a nice kid,” I say as nicely as I can. “But you’re far too young for me, and to be honest, you can’t handle a woman like me, no matter how much you think you can. So you go back to your buddies over there and find someone closer to your own age. Got it?” He blinks his blue eyes at me, shocked, but I have to give him credit, he quickly recovers. “Oh, I can handle you, baby,” he says in what I’m sure he thinks is a purr, but sounds silly coming out of his mouth. He gives me his best interpretation of a leer and adds, “I’ll make you come so hard, you’ll be begging for more.” I stare at him for a moment, and then sputter out a laugh. Alright, clearly being nice isn’t going to work on this kid. I give him my full attention along with a mocking smile. “Listen, kid. Since you’re not getting the hint, I’m going to make it clear so you understand. I’m looking for a man to call Daddy, not baby.” He stares at me for a moment, and then leans forward with another leer. “Oh, I can be your Daddy, alright.” I nearly roll my eyes. Jesus Christ, this kid is persistent. But before I can put him in his place, a deep voice that sends a shiver down my spine, says on the other side of me, “You heard her, kid. Beat it, if she’s going to be calling anyone Daddy, it’s going to be me.” Slowly I turn my head and blink at the large black man sitting there, and desire hits me like a freight train. Damn, I definitely won’t mind calling him Daddy, that’s for damn sure. I take him in, trailing my gaze from the dreads in a ponytail on his head, to his blue eyes, then sliding to the goatee around his mouth. He’s got to be at least six-four by my estimates, with a body that’s wide and muscular. He’s wearing a leather cut, and has tattoos covering his arms and hands. This man is pure sex, and he has my full attention. My vagina is in perfect agreement that we should definitely give him a shot. He looks like he would be a damn good time in bed. And while I’ve never really been the Daddy type, I might just give it a shot for this guy. “Dude, I was talking to her first,” the stupid kid says angrily, clearly unhappy he’s been dismissed by me and this giant now sitting next to me. And how the hell did he get behind me without me noticing? “And she’s already told you she’s not interested, and you’re not taking the hint,” the man says calmly. “Perhaps your Mama didn’t teach you that when a woman says no, you respect that, but I’m sure this woman right here can, and if that still doesn’t get through your thick skull, well, I’ll be happy to back her up.” Okay, this man’s hot meter just went up even more. And he’s also surprised me by not trying to stop the problem for me. Instead, he’s made it clear he’ll follow my lead. And speaking of… I turn back to the now red faced kid and say firmly, “This is the last time I say no. And if you continue to try and push me, I’ll send you back to your friends sobbing like a girl and clutching your tiny balls. So, do yourself a favor and bow out gracefully and find someone else who will fall for your juvenile charm. Oh, and I better not hear about you forcing someone else to spend time with you, because if so…” I give him a sharp smile that has him backing up a step. “Then that tiny dick you have along with the tiny balls, will be finding itself detached from your body and dropped outside for the rats to eat. Are we clear?” “Fucking psycho,” the kid grits out, before turning on his heel and stalking away, shoulders stiff. I turn myself to face the man beside me, who is grinning widely. He certainly doesn’t seem to think I’m a psycho. Color me intrigued. “I do like your style, spitfire. And very creative use of imagery there.” I shrug. “Sometimes it’s best to leave nothing up to interpretation.” Deciding to be my bad, bold self, I give him another once over, noting the name on his cut labels him Viper. “And speaking of interpretation, I take it you’re looking to make good on your word and having me call you Daddy before the end of the night? Unless you were only trying to play the knight in shining armor and aren’t all that into straight forward women.” I wasn’t here for a man, but some no strings attached sex with this sexy as hell man, is definitely on the menu. His grin widens even more, and his blue eyes go from cold to heated in an instant. “I like a woman who knows what she wants, and if you want me to fuck you into the mattress while you call me Daddy, then I’m all for it.” Arousal burns through me and my core goes damp. Oh, yes, I think this guy will definitely be a fun night. “I’m usually not the call a man Daddy type,” I tell him honestly, leaning closer and watching the way his eyes move down to my mouth and then back to my eyes again. I’ll give him credit for not looking down at my boobs which are pressed tight against the buttons of my blouse. “But I’ll call you anything if you promise to give me some decent orgasms and not spend the entire time pumping into me like it’s a race and you always win.” “Mmmm, sounds to me like you’ve had some shitty lovers, spitfire,” he drawls. He pushes to his feet and holds out his hand. “So let me break that streak and I’ll give you something to brag about to your girlfriends tomorrow.” I don’t hesitate as I take his hand with a grin as I push to my feet. Dangerous? Probably. But there’s something about him that tells me I’m perfectly safe with him. “And if you don’t, then I reserve the right to tell them all you have the tiniest dick known to man and you couldn't find my clit to save your life.” He chuckles. “Noted.” Then he pulls me along as we head for the door. I don’t miss the angry glare from the kid I turned down, but I ignore him. Once we step outside, the warm air slams into my face, but I don’t have time to adjust before I’m being pulled along toward a hotel not far away. Perfect. I’m not one for trying to sneak out of a guy’s house after we’re done. I should probably be nervous, but instead I’m just excited. I glance at the cut on his shoulders, craning my head to look at the back of it. The Devil’s Soldiers MC. I’ve heard of them, and I’ve heard good things about them, so I shouldn’t have to worry about him too much. But if I’m incorrect, well, I can make this motherfucker drop if needed. Viper leads me into the hotel, and makes quick work of getting us a room. The kid at the desk sneers at him, taking in his cut, and the fact that we don’t have any luggage. And when his gaze cuts to me, it turns to disgust. Harsh, but I’m sure he’s figuring I’m just another hoe or something. Well, tonight, I’m alright to be a hoe and I’m going to do it spectacularly. “Room 215,” the kids sneers. “Awww, someone’s jealous. It’s okay, kid, maybe one day you’ll be able to pick up a woman and fuck her like she’s the sex doll you have to use to get off on at home, but I’d work on that attitude first,” I tell the kid with a saucy wink, before I turn away and head for the elevator across the lobby. I hear Viper snickering as he follows behind me. I wink at him over my shoulder, and his grin is so wide I’m sure his face is going to split in half. When we get in the elevator, he doesn’t even wait for the doors to close before he’s crowding me into the back wall and bracing his arms. I should probably be intimidated considering the size of him, but instead I only tilt my head up to look into his eyes as he stares intently down at me. “Something tells me you’re trouble, sweetheart,” he drawls. “But lucky for you, I like feisty women.” He presses himself against me and I nearly moan at the feel of the sizeable bulge in his jeans against my lower belly. “Mmm, you’re not lying,” I murmur, rubbing against him just enough to make him clench his jaw, and close his hands into fists on either side of my head. “So I probably shouldn’t tell you now I’m just as feisty in bed, huh? And my name’s Eden, not sweetheart.” Ugh, I hate that pet name. I much preferred him calling me spitfire anyway. The ding of the elevator has him pulling away, but he grabs my hand and leads me down the hall to our room. He wastes no time in opening the door, ushering me inside, putting out the Do Not Disturb sign on the handle, before shutting and locking it with a fast snick. I don’t bother looking at the room, because as long as it has walls and a bed, I don’t care. The desire I feel for this man is getting hotter by the minute, and I’m not about to waste time. Thankfully, he seems to be of the same mindset, because the moment he turns, he’s reaching for me, and time wasting is the last thing on my mind. God, this man can kiss. It’s like he’s trying to consume me, while also trying to show me who’s boss. I’ve never been really into overly dominant men in bed—and definitely not in real life—but right now, him taking control fans the flames higher. And when I nip at his lower lip, he pays me back in kind, while also moving his hands down to my ass, lifting me up so I can wrap my legs around his hips, and uses the grip he has on my ass to grind me over him, hitting that perfect spot every time. Oh fuck, I’m going to sleep with a man who knows where a clit is. I think I’m in heaven. Or maybe he’s going to be the devil himself; which I’m perfectly fine with. Who wants angelic sex? Not me, that’s for sure. He moves us both toward the bed, and when he bumps into it, he pulls his mouth from mine, and then drops me on to it. He stares down at me as he shrugs off his cut and tosses it on the small desk against the wall off to the side. “I don’t feel like ripping that pretty blouse, so how about you take it off?” he suggests, a guttural tone to his voice that sends a shiver down my back. I don’t answer him, and instead, bring my hands up to the buttons and quickly undo them. His eyes fire even more as I pull it off my shoulders and toss it away, leaving me in only my simple black cotton bra. I should be embarrassed I’m not wearing something sexy, but the way this man is looking at me, I don’t think I have anything to worry about. I give him a sly smile and lie on my back, popping the button of my pants, before shoving them off my hips. He pauses in removing his own clothes as he watches me, and my smile widens. By the time I strip all the way out of my clothes, including my plain cotton underwear along with the bra, and lie naked on the bed, Viper’s expression is so hot I’m surprised it’s not searing my skin. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he rasps as he makes quick work of his own clothes. By the time he’s fully naked, I’m so full of anticipation it takes everything in me to remain still. He may say I’m gorgeous, but the man clearly hasn’t been looking in the mirror because, holy shit, the man is something else. He clearly keeps himself in good shape considering all the muscles he has, and he also clearly loves ink from all the tattoos that cover him. The biggest is a scroll with a name over his heart, Archer. I should probably be curious, but this isn’t going anywhere past tonight, so it’s none of my business. The rest of his tattoos range from skulls to flowers, but it’s when I get down between his legs that a wicked grin starts to pull across my face. Oh, now, that’s new, and I can’t wait to see what that’s going to feel like. Rolling onto my hands and knees, I crawl toward him, his eyes bright, and a smug grin pulling at his lips as I get closer. He grips his erection in his big hand, stroking it slowly and asks, “First time seeing these, spitfire?” “First time seeing more than one at the same time,” I correct, not even looking at him as I stop at the edge of the bed, moving to sit on the edge. I reach out, moving his hand out of the way and running my fingers over the hardware adorning his cock. He’s rocking both a Prince Albert, as well as a Jacob’s Ladder, and I’m so wet I have to fight not to squirm. God, I love the idea of what these are going to feel like inside me. The metal is warm from the heat of his body and when I rub my thumb lightly over the Prince Albert, Viper gives a low hiss, and his body stiffens, though pre-cum drips from the tip of him and my mouth pulls into a grin. “Someone likes that,” I remark, doing it again, and being rewarded once more with a hiss and his body tightening. “I wonder what you’ll do if I taste you,” I say as I look up at him from beneath my lashes. “Fuck, I’ll probably…oh, fuck!” he growls out as I put my mouth over him and suck him down so I can trace each piercing with my tongue. His hands clench into fists at his side, like he’s trying not to grab me, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I pull away, but don’t release him and order, “No holding back,” before I take him back in my mouth and get back to work on exploring him. Thankfully, he listens, and he grips my hair tightly and thrusts his hips as I work him over. He’s definitely not small, and I appreciate him trying not to shove his huge dick down my throat and choking me. I learn pretty quickly that the Prince Albert is what makes him thrust harder, and has him spilling more pre-cum into my mouth. When my tongue plays with the Jacob’s Ladder, he just groans, but doesn’t really do much other than continue working my mouth. It’s interesting, but I want more. I need more. So I stop playing and get to work on driving him crazy. He lets out a loud groan as I intensify my suction and the pace of my mouth over him, and stares down at me. I look up at him beneath my lashes, and though I can’t smile, I’m sure he can see how much I’m enjoying this. I’m enjoying having him at my mercy. “Goddamn your mouth,” he grits out, moving a little faster, and a little deeper. Not enough to make me panic, but enough that I have to breathe through my nose to ensure that my gag reflex isn’t triggered. “So fucking hot and wet. So good.” I give a low moan, and reach between his legs to cup his balls. He hisses out a breath between his teeth, and his cock jerks in my mouth. I gently roll them, careful not to put too much pressure, and I feel him swell in my mouth. Mmmm, someone’s close, and I’m torn between letting him explode in my mouth, or if I should stop. I mean, as hot as this guy is, I want to be fucked good and hard, and I don’t feel like waiting an hour for him to recover. I slowly let him go, and then pull my mouth from him, and he drops his hands from my hair. He watches me intensely as I scoot back on the bed so I can spread my legs open wide and show him exactly how excited sucking his cock made me. “How about we get to the part where we see just what name I call you, if you make me come?” I say huskily, moving my hand down between my legs and circling my clit slowly. His eyes are glued to my hand, but then he drops to his knees, grabs my hips, and pulls my ass to the edge of the bed, before gripping both cheeks and lifting me so that his mouth is a breath away from my throbbing core and screaming for him to get a move on. Anticipation makes my stomach clench, but it’s the eager look on his face and the wicked grin he gives me before putting his mouth on me that has me realizing this man is about to have me calling him all kinds of names. And I might not normally call a man Daddy, but holy fuck, this man is about to change that. I’ve been with a few men, and I’m not ashamed of that, but none of them have pushed me so close to orgasm so quickly. This man, he must know exactly where to find all the spots and know how to work them, because it’s not long before I’m crying out as my entire body arches and grinds into his face. He sucks my clit in his mouth with the right amount of pressure, and knows exactly how to use his tongue to push me closer and closer to the edge. And when he thrusts two thick fingers inside me, it’s my turn to grip him by the hair and hold on tight for the ride. And considering his hair is up in a ponytail, I’m sure I’m yanking on it like a woman possessed, but he doesn’t stop me, and just keeps eating me like I’m his final meal. “Viper!” I cry as my orgasm starts to build to heights that have my eyes flying open and staring down at him in shock. “Oh, fuck,” I groan as he curls his fingers and hits the spot that I’ve only ever felt a couple of times before. But unlike those times where the guy would just crook his fingers a couple of times and be done, this one, he rubs it continuously until I’m spiraling out of control and coming all over his face. The resulting growl of pleasure from him as he thrusts his fingers harder into me a couple more times draws it out even more. And when he pulls out his fingers and moves his mouth down to my entrance to lick everything up, I’m pretty sure I’ve never had anything hotter happen in my life. When he finally pulls away, my body is buzzing and trembling in the aftermath, and all I can do is pant and stare at him. He grins at me as he wipes his face on my thigh, and then slowly climbs to his feet. “I take it back,” I rasp, making him pause. He arches a brow at me in question and I grin. “I think Daddy is too tame for you, big guy, if you can eat pussy that well. Makes me all excited to see what you can do with that.” I nod toward his cock, which is jutting out toward me. Oh yeah, I want that inside me ASAP. That makes him chuckle and grin back as he reaches down and grips me under the arms, tossing me farther on the bed with little effort. I let out a small gasp, and then smirk when he grabs a condom from his wallet, before tossing it on the pillow by my head, and then crawls up towards me. “Then I say we don’t waste anymore time, do you?” he rasps, before bracing himself over me and pressing his mouth to mine. I taste myself on his mouth, but it doesn’t turn me off like it normally does. Maybe I’m too relaxed from that orgasm, but the feel of him pressing over me has the heat in my belly growing once again. The kiss wipes everything else from my mind and it’s not long before he’s moving his mouth down to my jaw, and then my neck, before moving to my collarbone and finally down to my breasts. “Been wanting to taste these beauties since the bar,” he rasps, before he draws one hard nipple into his mouth, while his hand cups the other. I hiss, my body arching into him as the sensations start to burn through me. I’m so sensitive from my orgasm that I’m almost sure it’s too much. Too much pressure, too much suction. Just too much everything. But when he lifts his head, I want to cry out in annoyance at the loss, before once again feeling overwhelmed as his mouth moves to the other side. My body arches into his and his cock bumps into my clit, which has me gasping before doing it again. But it’s when I arch just enough that the head of his cock pushes at my entrance I know I’m done waiting. I’m far too close to making a stupid mistake and I can’t allow that to happen. “Viper, now,” I order, though even to my ears it’s weak as he gives one more hard suck on my nipple before lifting his head. “I want you inside me,” I tell him, staring into the blue of his eyes. At first he doesn’t seem to react, but when I arch my body into him and grind my clit on his shaft, it seems to be what gets him moving. Within moments, he’s reached up, grabbed the condom, and sheathed himself. He goes up to his knees, puts my legs over his forearms, and lines himself up to my entrance. Thankfully, he doesn’t try to tease me further. Just gives me what I want. Mainly him, pushing inside me, and stretching me so damn good that all I can do is close my eyes and savor the feeling. Holy shit, he is definitely thick. I briefly wonder if he’s going to fit, but then I feel those piercings moving along my inner walls, and holy shit I’m ruined. He feels so fucking good, especially once he’s all the way inside me and then those icy blue eyes are on mine, intense and making my heart pound. “Son of a bitch you’re tight,” he grits out as he slowly pulls out before thrusting back in. It’s a bit slow for what I want, but it gives me the time I need to adjust to his size. “But you feel so fucking good.” He thrusts a couple more times, slow and easy, but it’s not enough. So, I decide it’s time to stop playing around. And considering how sassy I like to be, I use all the power I have from those damn kegel exercises I do, and work my muscles over him, making him grunt and thrust a little harder inside me in reaction. I hiss myself, before I give him a sly smile and tell him in what I’m hoping is a seductive voice, “Then how about we get this show on the road then, Daddy?” His lips pull back in a smirk as he adjusts his grip on my legs, before he pulls halfway out of me, before thrusting back in, hard and fast. But he thankfully doesn’t stop there. No, he’s on a mission now, and the pace he sets is almost brutal, and it’s fucking delicious. His piercings scraping along my walls makes me cry out his name, and gripping the sheets to try and ground myself. “Come for me, Eden,” he gasps out as he powers inside me. “Give it to me.” For once, I’m speechless and can’t seem to find words as I stare at him, helpless to do anything but let the orgasm wash over me. His name is torn again from my lips, and I vaguely hear him snarl, before suddenly, he’s pulling out of me, flipping me over to my stomach before grabbing my hips and lifting me up so he can line himself up and thrusts inside me once again. “Oh fuck,” I cry, burying my face in the pillow. I’m so swollen and sensitive, but it feels so damn good. He’s a man possessed now, thrusting into me so hard that I have to lift myself to my forearms so I can brace myself and press back against him with each thrust. “Fuck, you feel so fucking perfect on my cock,” he rasps as he suddenly lowers his front over my back, and his hand comes around to cup my throat and grip it lightly as he uses the new position to give him the momentum and angle he needs. When he pulls my head back a bit, it makes my stomach and inner walls clench in reaction, which in turn makes him groan and grind himself into me. “That’s it, spitfire, squeeze me so tight I’ll never want to leave,” he whispers in my ear. “Let me feel all that wild coming on my cock. Give Daddy what he wants like a good girl.” Well, new kink unlocked. Between the previous orgasms, the way his piercings are sliding against me, and those words, I’m flying over the edge and screaming his name. And this time, he follows me over, and I hear him give a low groan as he grits out my name between his teeth. Seems Viper isn’t much of a screamer, but holy shit, it’s definitely sexier to hear him saying my name in a way so only I can hear. When we both finally still, and I collapse on the bed, I know I’m in trouble. So deeply in trouble, because I don’t want to move. I don’t want to get up and leave, like I normally do. Usually, as soon as I can walk, I’m out with a wink, a thank you, and a maybe we’ll meet again some time. Not this time. This time, I’m too weak to move, and I can feel myself drifting off. And when Viper leaves to dispose of the condom and comes back to the bed, pulling me into him, I don’t fight him. Worse, I don’t try to leave when he wakes me up a couple hours later to do it all over again. But most terrifying of all, is that when he falls asleep, I watch him and don’t want to leave. It’s not like we’ve had this big long heartfelt connection, or like we’ve fallen in love or anything so ridiculous. But our chemistry is off the charts and there’s something that makes me want to ask questions I definitely shouldn’t. So I do the one thing I know I have to. I carefully and quietly climb out of the bed, dress, and slip out the door. Not daring to look back because I know if I do, I’m going to want to get right back into that bed, and I can’t allow that. No, this is just going to be one of those nights I’ll remember when I’m old and gray. And probably tomorrow considering how sore I am right now. Sadie is going to love this story when I tell her. Now to just hope I haven’t cursed myself for the rest of my life settling for shit lovers because damn it all, I don’t know how anyone will ever top Viper of the Devil’s Soldiers MC.
 VIPER When it comes to my son, I will never give up until I know he’s safe. One Month Later “Are you ready for today, brother?” Shadow asks, watching me with those dark eyes of his. The creepy bastard always seems to know everything, but I’ve long since learned there is no use in hiding. Not to mention, I do the same with him, and so it’s not like I keep much from him anyway. At six feet, with dark brown hair that edges on black, Shadow is a creepy fucker, but he’s also been my best friend for a long time. Former Special Forces, we call him Shadow because half the time, you don’t know he’s there until he lets you know, or it’s too late to run. He keeps his hair shorter on the sides but longer on top and has a rugged look with his ink and the scar on his jaw, but the man will do anything for his family or the club, and he’s also fantastic with Archer. Then again, maybe he’s hoping Archer is going to be a good influence on his wild daughter, Macy, who I swear is going to land her five-year-old butt in jail before she’s a teenager. Especially if she continues to hang out with the women. “More than,” I reply with a grim nod. “Maggie’s pitching a fit and has been blowing up my phone for the last week, but I’ve mostly been ignoring her. She’s pissed because if the judge sides with me, she’s about to lose all that money I’ve been paying her, and that loser she’s been hanging around with doesn’t have the kind of money I do. Now she’ll have to work more than just a few hours a week to afford the shit she loves more than our son.” That last part comes out in a bitter snarl. I’ll hide those feelings in front of the judge, but with my brothers, I let them hear it. “Thought she said she was done with that shit,” Shadow says with a scowl. I snort. Maggie is good at hiding things, but not this. It’s in the way she’s lost so much weight, and the fact she’s always sniffing and rubbing at her nose. The only thing that has saved her from me losing my complete shit with her, is that she knows better than to do it in front of Archer. But my son knows something is up, because he constantly tells me how she’s always annoyed and irritable, and she likes to sleep a lot more. Which in turn means, she missed picking him up from school, and I had to get him. She tried to say she would take me back to court and complain to the judge, but I beat her to it by filing for custody instead of weekend visits and some holidays. “Can’t stop an addict unless they want to be stopped,” I say with a huff, scrubbing my hand over my face. God, I never thought this would be my life, but here we are. I should have taken Maggie to court a long time ago, but I always figured no judge would side with me being a biker, and Archer seemed fine with his Mom. Now, though, I know she mostly ignores him and spends more time on her phone or with her new boyfriend. And I have a feeling he’s the one that’s introduced her to the shit she’s now addicted to. “Are you using that when you go to court?” Shadow asks curiously. I shrug. “I only know what I’ve seen, but I have no proof. If I have to bring it up to make sure that my case is heard, then I will, but without concrete proof, I don’t want to mention it in front of Archer.” Who, despite my protests, the judge demanded be there for this hearing. “What did Hunter say?” Hunter Darton is the lawyer the club helped me find. The man is a shark, and I’m glad he’s on my side. Though, my ex-wife’s lawyer is equally shark-like, but the woman is a man-hater so it’s no surprise she’s fighting so hard for her client and trying to hang me out to dry. I can even respect it, but at the same time, nothing is going to stop me from making sure my son is safe. I’m going the legal route right now, but if this goes south, I’m fully prepared to take my son and run. “Hunter said we need to ask for drug testing on Maggie, and then we need to try and prove that Archer is better off with being with either both of us equally or me full-time if she fails. The problem is that they won’t administer it today, they’ll probably do it after she’s had a few days to get it out of her system. I only asked him to make sure the request isn’t made in front of Archer.” I may not like my ex-wife, but I won’t purposely harm the relationship my son has with her. I’m an asshole, but when it comes to my son, I’ll put that aside. “Can they do a hair follicle test?” Shadow asks. “That shit would make sure she can’t hide anything she’s been doing.” I shrug. “Depends on the judge and how harsh he wants to be. But I’m going to let Hunter do all the talking. I don’t care what he requests, as long as Archer is safe.” “You find anything on the new boyfriend?” I shake my head. “Hunter advised me not to look into him unless it’s absolutely necessary because it will hurt my chances of getting Archer if they catch wind of it and bring it back to the court.” Shadow snorts. “As if Cryos would ever let that happen.” “I know, but for now, I’m going to see how today goes, and then I’ll make some decisions.” “Alright. You sure you don’t need me there?” Shadow’s been harping at me to let him or one of my brothers go with me to court today as support, and while I appreciate their support, I want to do this on my own. Maggie will probably see them and take it as an opportunity to drag them through the mud and we’ve all been through enough. “I’m good,” I assure him. “But thanks. I’ll let you know if that changes.” Shadow nods and thankfully drops it. “You think you’ll be back in time for interviews?” Shadow asks after a moment, changing the subject. We finally have some good candidates for the administrative position we’ve been trying to fill for months. The first round was a shit show of people that either wanted to be nosy and see what we were doing, or they were so underqualified we had to start over again. At least this time we have some candidates that look promising. And a lot of that is thanks to Quinn and her connections with social workers that have put some vets looking for work in touch with us. So we’ll see what happens, but I have a feeling it’ll turn out alright after today. “Should be,” I tell him. “But if I’m not, get started without me and let me know if you have any favorites.” Shadow nods. “Out of the four we have, two look promising. The other two I’m not sure.” I agree with him. I already called some references, and the two that we’re not sure on don’t have a great track record of showing up and working. They just come and go as they please, and we can’t have that. Not with the state of this job. Still, people change, and I’m a big one on giving people a chance. Unless they turn out to be utter shit, then nope, I’m happy to send them packing. I glance at my watch. I’ve only got a couple hours before I have to head to the courthouse. Maggie is bringing Archer today, and then we’ll see who he goes home with. Though if I have anything to say, he’ll be leaving with me. Still, I best not borrow trouble before I get there. “I better get some work done if I want to be productive today,” I say to Shadow as I get to my feet. Shadow nods. “Let me know if you change your mind on me going with you,” he tells me, and while I nod, we both know I’m not going to. I head for the door but he stops me by asking, “Oh, did you ever find anything on that Eden girl?” Now there’s a subject to put me in a mood. Though today, with other things on my mind, it’s not my top priority and I just shake my head. “I’m done trying to find her. She left, and that’s that. There are other women.” Shadow arches a brow, and nods, but thankfully lets the subject drop. I head back to my office, which is right next door to his, and sit down, booting up my computer. But now that Shadow’s brought her up, my mind starts to wander. Damn, that woman was hot as hell, and I’ve been trying to find her for the past month with no success. Only having her first name to go off of isn’t all that helpful since there are hundreds of Eden in this city. I did go back to the bar a few times, but I never saw her there again. I could ask Cryos to search for her, but something’s held me back. I don’t like the idea of stalking her, but at the same time finding her has been a goal for me over the past weeks. When I woke up to find her gone, I was pissed, and disappointed, but then resigned. I mean, it’s not like we promised forever or anything, but damn, I thought we had had a great time. Hell, it was the best sex of my life, and there is something about her that has me craving more of her. Not just sex, but I want to know more about who she is and find out what about her makes that way. Because, damn, that woman is pure fire, and she’s got everything that I like in a woman. Still, I haven’t been able to find her, and clearly she doesn’t want to be found, so I guess I’ll just have to chalk it up to an opportunity lost and move forward. Then again, this whole custody thing for Archer needs to be my top priority, along with what’s going on with the club. There are far too many loose ends to be dealt with when it comes to the Russians, and I have a feeling in my gut that Vlad isn’t going to let go of the whole thing with Syn. His right-hand man is dead and now we’re just waiting to see what his next plan of action is. Not to mention, we’re still trying to figure out what Misha was up to with the Yakuza assholes. After all, we didn’t know they were even interested in our area or anywhere in the States for that matter. It just means that we’re going to possibly have a larger fight on our hands, and I need to get my personal shit figured out so that I can give it my full attention. I glance at my watch again. Damn, I need to get to work if I want to get anything done before I have to leave. So pushing all other thoughts from my mind, I get down to it. By the time my alarm goes off, letting me know I need to get my ass in gear and get to the courthouse, I’ve at least made some progress. I quickly change into a suit and tie, though I hate the damn thing. I only keep one for these kinds of occasions. I call out to Shadow as I grab my things letting him know that I’m heading out. The ride isn’t long, but it’s enough to settle my nerves. I leave my cut on over my suit for now. I love being on my bike. I always had one and when I got out of the SEALs, it was one of the first things I pulled out of storage, needing that feeling of ease and freedom. And when things got bad with Maggie in the beginning, it became my way of coping. When I joined the Devil’s Soldiers, it was the perfect fit, and it meant I got to ride my bike all the time. Archer has already asked for his own when he’s older, and I’ve been saving up to buy him one to surprise him with the moment he gets his license. I’ll always make sure to give my boy whatever he asks for if it’s within reason. And the idea of riding with my son certainly is something I’m looking forward to. When I reach the courthouse, I’m not surprised to see Maggie and her new boyfriend, Tony, are already there and heading in as well. Tony sneers at me and keeps on walking, while Maggie glares at me, but stops because Archer comes running down the steps toward me. “Dad!” he says excitedly as soon as he reaches me. He leans forward to hug me, and I smile. I figured he would be too old for this, but thankfully, he still enjoys seeing me. I’m sure it will change soon enough, so I’m going to take every one I can get from him “Hey, kiddo,” I say as I let him go, climb off my bike, and take off my cut to put in my saddle bag. I hate being without it, but I got permission from Bullet to take it off for these specific circumstances since they frown on it in court. “How’s things?” I ask Archer. Archer looks up at me and shrugs. “They’re fine. At least I get to miss school,” he adds with a smirk. Then he frowns. “But I was supposed to have class with Arya today, so I have to miss her.” I snicker. My son has had a crush on Arya Morgan the last couple years, and considering she is the little sister of Nix Morgan, my tattoo artist, and friend of the club’s, well, that only makes things more interesting… and amusing. I love to point out the fact that Arya keeps my boy on his toes to her brother, who doesn’t quite have the balls to punch me over it. I’m sure things will change as they get older, but I find it hilarious Archer already has a crush and isn’t afraid to show it or say it. Lord help me when he hits high school. “I’m sure you’ll have other opportunities to hang out with her, son,” I tell him with an encouraging smile. “Come on, let’s get inside, huh?” “Okay,” Archer replies agreeably. We turn and head for the steps, and I nod at Maggie, who continues to glare at me, arms now crossed over her chest. I take her in, and fight to keep my face neutral. She’s thinner than ever, and for the first time in a long time, I see she’s wearing a long sleeved shirt instead of the tank-tops and crop tops she normally wears. Alarm bells are going off in my head, but I keep my mouth shut. Instead, when I reach her I say, “Hey, Maggie. How are you?” There, polite and cordial. “You know exactly how I am,” she snaps at me. “You really think I want to be here? You’re not fit to take care of Archie and—” “That’s enough,” I interrupt quickly and firmly, shutting her down. “We’ll talk about this in the courtroom, Maggie.” I glance down at Archer pointedly, who looks resigned as to how the day is going to play out. I put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly and he gives me a nod of understanding. I also don’t make a stink about her calling him Archie. He hates being called that, and has asked her multiple times to call him by his full name, but clearly Maggie doesn’t give a damn and wants to call him by the stupid nickname she gave him as a baby. Maggie hisses at me before turning and stalking inside, not even looking back at our son to be sure he’s following. Archer and I slowly follow behind her, and I try not to let any of my annoyance show. We have to go through the metal detectors, and then we head up to the assigned courtroom. Maggie waits with her man on a bench and they both send glares my way, while I sit on the one opposite with Archer, talking to him about school, figuring it’s a safe topic. I learned early on that any conversations with my son will play out in front of the judge, and Maggie’s lawyer loves to use every word against me. So when I’m in these walls, I watch every damn word. When Hunter arrives, he gives me a reassuring smile, and says a quick hello to Archer. Of course, that’s the moment Maggie’s lawyer also arrives, and she makes a big production of ordering Archer to stand with his mother. Archer opens his mouth to argue, but I shake my head at him. Archer scowls, but nods, and goes to stand morosely with his mother. Maggie gives me a triumphant smile, which I ignore and turn away to talk to Hunter. “We got Judge Brown,” Hunter says with a satisfied smile. “Guy is no nonsense, and we lucked out with him. He and Gail have gone head to head before, and she never wins, but we’ll still play this carefully. I know I don’t need to tell you this, but I’m going to anyway. Make sure you keep your cool no matter what, got it?” I nod at him. I refuse to let myself get my hopes up, but knowing that information, I let myself relax slightly. We still have a ways to go, but we’ll get there. When we finally head into the courtroom, It’s one of the smaller of the ones in the courthouse, and also the one we used once before a few years ago when Maggie brought me here for more child support. I agreed at the time, even though it meant a hit to my finances, but I wasn’t going to argue about it as long as the money went to Archer; though we all know now that wasn’t how it ended up. Still, I have to hope this will turn out better than last time. I take my place next to Hunter, and we take our seats waiting for the judge. Archer is behind his mother and her lawyer with Tony, and I clench my hands into fists on my lap when I see the bastard trying to get close to my son, even when he scoots away, wanting space. I force myself to look away, even though all I want to do is jump out of my seat and pound on the son of a bitch while telling him to keep away from my son. Hunter glances at me and I give him a subtle shake of my head, letting him know it’s fine. He nods and then we face forward and wait patiently for the judge. Finally, after a few minutes, the judge enters and we all rise. A woman with bright blonde hair follows him and takes a seat behind a small looking typewriter looking thing. The bailiff calls everyone to order and then steps back as the judge looks at both myself and then Maggie. He takes me in with sharp brown eyes, though he doesn’t give anything away in his expression, before they move to Maggie and her lawyer. I do see a flare of annoyance when they land on Maggie’s lawyer, Gail Judson. I glance over at Gail, and see her lips pursing in displeasure for a brief second before smoothing out. Gail is pretty enough, and in her late fifties, with bright white hair and sharp green eyes. She’s fuller figured, and always wears snappy looking pantsuits whenever I see her. Her acrylic nails are done in a dark blood red this time, and her stiff posture and stacks of paperwork in front of her tell me she’s come prepared for everything she can think of. I just have to hope that Hunter can get this done, and the judge is on our side. “Counselors,” Judge Brown says briskly by way of greeting. Then he turns his head and looks at me. “Mr. MacKenzie, I see you were the one who requested this hearing.” “Yes, Your Honor,” I reply calmly. “And this matter was not able to be settled out of court?” Judge Brown asked, still speaking to me. “Your Honor,” Gail tries to interrupt. “I’m not addressing you, Counselor,” Judge Brown informs her coldly. “I’ll address you when I’m good and ready.” Then he looks back at me expectantly. “No, Your Honor,” I reply again. He waits for a moment and then says, “Hmm, normally this is the point where the Plaintiff tries to tell me everything and hopes to sway me. I admire your restraint, Mr. MacKenzie.” Then he turns back to Gail and Maggie, and out of the corner of my eye I see Hunter give me a small thumbs up under the table to let me know we’re off to a good start. “Now, Ms. Bell, you are not in agreement with Mr. MacKenzie’s request, is that correct?” “Yes, Your Honor,” Maggie says tightly. “He’s trying to take away my son and I’m not going to stand for it.” That last part is punctuated with a stomp of her foot, and Gail gives her a warning look. The judge doesn’t look impressed either. “You may think that, Ms. Bell, but you will control yourself in my courtroom,” he orders her sternly. He looks at Gail and asks, “I asked for Mr. Archer MacKenzie to be in the courtroom today. Where is he?” Gail steps aside slightly so she can show that Archer is there. I glance at my son who stands and nods to the judge politely. Maggie’s boyfriend doesn’t so much as make a move to stand, just sits there glaring at the judge. “He’s here, Your Honor.” Judge Brown gives Archer a smile, making his stern face look more friendly. “Good afternoon, Mr. MacKenzie,” he says to Archer. “Hello, Your Honor,” he says politely with a smile. “Thank you for being here today, though I’m sure you don’t want to be out of school. For this next part, I don’t need you in the room, however I would like to speak with you. I’m going to ask the bailiff to take you to a back room where I will speak with you shortly.” Archer nods and then the Judge looks at me then Maggie. “We have an excellent court appointed guardian he’ll be with until I’m ready to speak with him.” I nod. “Can my boyfriend go with him?” Maggie interjects before the bailiff can collect Archer. “I don’t want him to be alone. What if someone tries to take him?” I want to roll my eyes but manage to keep my composure. The judge frowns at her. “And you think the person appointed to oversee him isn’t capable? Or is it that you don’t trust the court’s judgment?” Maggie must realize what she’s done because she quickly tries to backpedal. “No, no, it’s just that I don’t want him to be with a stranger and get scared,” she says quickly. The judge says nothing, just regards her and then looks at Archer. “Would you like someone to go with you, son?” he asks him. Archer quickly shakes his head. “No, I’ll be fine.” He glances at his mother, who scowls darkly at him, but says nothing. I glance at the boyfriend, who also looks pissed. Alarm bells are ringing in my head, but I bite my tongue and watch as my son is escorted out of the room with the bailiff. Once Archer is gone, the Judge looks at us both and says, “Before we get going, I will not have anyone shouting over the other, and I expect everyone to act like adults. When it comes to the wellbeing of children, my job is to ensure they are receiving the best possible care, and I take that very seriously. So, let’s begin.” He looks over at myself and Hunter. “Mr. MacKenzie, I assume you have appointed Counselor Darton to speak on your behalf?” “Yes, Your Honor.” “Good. And Ms. Bell, you have appointed Counselor Judson to speak on your behalf?” the judge asks. “Yes, Your Honor,” Maggie answers. “Good. Counselor Darton, you have the floor.” The judge sits back and listens quietly as Hunter argues my position. I’ll give it to the man, he knows what he’s doing. He’s smart as a whip, and he knows how to speak so that he doesn’t sound like he’s trying to accuse Maggie of anything. He lays it out plainly that I want joint or full custody of Archer, and I want my child support payments adjusted to reflect that change. He adds in that I will submit to a drug test, and also to have Maggie submit one as well. Sorting out once and for all the drug question, though I don’t have any doubts. Maggie gasps out angrily at that requirement, but quiets when the judge gives her a warning look. When Hunter finishes, the Judge doesn’t reply, and instead says to Gail, “Now you have the floor, Counselor.” Gail wastes no time letting the judge know how ridiculous she and Maggie feel this whole case is. That I’m trying to shirk my responsibilities, and I’m a terrible example to my son. She goes into my history and how I’m in an MC, so I have to be up to all kinds of illegal things. She even brings up my service record that shows I’ve gone through things and could possibly be suffering from PTSD. Despite the fact that I’ve been out of the service for over a decade and have already gone through all those tests for previous court appearances with no issue. I manage to keep my mouth shut and not lash out to defend myself, and I don’t even bat an eye when Gail tries to tell the judge I should be paying more child support and have supervised visitation with Archer instead of what I have currently. Or react when I see Maggie smiling at me smugly out of the corner of my eye. Finally, when Gail is finished, I wait as the judge looks up from the notes he’s been silently taking and then looks over at me. “Mr. MacKenzie, a lot of the allegations that are being made toward you are pretty large. Perhaps you would like to tell me your thoughts?” “Your Honor, if I may,” Hunter begins. “No,” Judge Brown interrupts swiftly. “On this, I want Mr. MacKenzie’s answer, Counselor.” He looks at me expectantly. “Your Honor, I’ve been out of the Navy for many years, and have already gone through many hoops for the little access I currently have to my son. When he was younger, I didn’t put up much of a fight to any of it. And despite what Ms. Judson has said, I do not bad-mouth his mother to our son. In fact, I’ve been the one telling Archer he should be with his mother. With regards to my club, we are an MC yes, but we’re a legal and law abiding group made of mostly former service members. We are not an outlaw club, and instead focus on running our businesses and ensuring help to our community. We have strict rules when it comes to children, and Archer has a great time with the other kids at the clubhouse when he’s there.” I take a deep breath before I continue, “Your Honor, all I want is to spend more time with my son, and I’m prepared to do whatever is required to make that happen. He’s a good boy, gets excellent grades in school, and he enjoys being with me. I make good money, and have a flexible schedule as a business owner, and I also have been consistent in paying the required child support. As well as making extra payments to Maggie if she states she needs something for him. I’m trying to set a good example for my son, Your Honor. I feel that he’s old enough now to decide who he wants to spend time with, and he has indicated to me that he wants to see me more.” “That’s hearsay and you can’t base anything off the words of a minor,” Gail snaps loudly. “Your Honor—” “Enough, Counselor,” Judge Brown barks at her. She goes quiet, but her face is stoney. “I asked Mr. MacKenzie his thoughts, and he gave them to me. You will have plenty of time to object later. Now, I think it is time to speak with the youngest Mr. MacKenzie. And I will do that away from both parents. Your respective counsel will join me. However, neither counsel may speak while I do. Is that understood?” “Yes, Your Honor,” they both say, though I note the unhappy note in Gail’s. Hunter warned me this would happen, so I just relax and wait. “Good. Now, I will have both bailiff’s in this courtroom while I’m gone, and if anything gets out of hand, I’ll hold you both in contempt. Understood?” the judge says to both of us. “Yes, Your Honor,” I say calmly. Maggie agrees, but I don’t miss the sly look in her eyes. She’s about to try and start some shit, and I need to keep my cool. Easier said than done, but when it comes to Archer, I can and will manage anything.