The Alpha King's Princess
By Caroline
Free Chapters
Chapter 1
I was warm when I opened my eyes. Though my body still ached, I wasn’t dead. It wasn’t the rain-wet pavement I expected, but a bedroom. I gasped at the sight around me. The room was beautiful. The furniture was all made of sleek straight lines, but the quality of it all made it seem more modern than Spartan. I drew my hand across the sheets over me with wonder. They weren’t silk, but they were the softest thing I had ever felt. I’d made it. Instead of running me over, the limo bearing the symbol of the Full Moon Pack had stopped and brought me here. I was at the alpha king’s estate. I had to be. “You’re awake!” A woman’s voice said, pulling me from my thoughts. She was dressed in a simple white button-up shirt, skirt, and a white apron. “I hope you’re hungry.” My stomach growled as I caught the scent of meat from the tray. “Where am I?” I prayed to the moon goddess that I wasn’t wrong. “In the home of Alpha King Candido,” she said, shaking out a napkin to put over my lap. She set a tray over my lap and loaded it with food. “Best eat quickly. He’ll be done with his call soon and up to see you soon after.” I couldn’t speak, but I picked up my fork and ate as the woman turned to leave. I couldn’t remember the last time I had eaten. I devoured everything, almost crying with thanks for the alpha king’s kindness and that I had made it. My heart raced as I thought of the Alpha King. What would happen to me now? The food was delicious and filling, but I couldn’t focus on that. Rumor had it that Candido was a bloodthirsty and brutal dictator who killed his father and brother to become the Alpha King. What was I going to do? The thought of meeting him was terrifying, but he was my only chance at freedom. I had to find a way to stay. A knock sounded on the door, and a second later, the door swung open. The woman hustled in ahead of the large, handsome man in a three-piece suit. I said nothing as she darted to my bedside, cleared away the dishes, and pushed the cart out. The door closed behind her, and I looked up at the man, searching for some hope that I could convince him. His expression was cold and aloof as he looked at me and approached the bed. He walked with the grace of an adult werewolf and maybe a little more. While he was handsome, his eyes were a beautiful shade of green that seemed to hold me captive. His gaze dragged over I form swiftly as he crossed the room. I swallowed past my terror and got onto my knees. My limbs were shaky, but I crawled to the edge and fell to the floor at his feet. I didn’t care how pathetic I looked. I was pathetic, and if it would help my case at all, I’d do anything. “Alpha King, Your Majesty, I beg you to grant me sanctuary with your pack,” I said, trembling. “Why?” He asked. His voice was rich and deep but cold. It sent a chill through me. “M-My father and stepmother plan to sell me to an old alpha of a pack for an alliance, but I have no reason to agree and no loyalty to my birth pack.” “Why is that my problem? Who are you?” I clenched my fists in the plush softness of the rug beneath me. “My name is Hedy. I’m the daughter of the current alpha of the Wolf Fang Pack and his previous wife.” I closed my eyes, pushing down my emotions as I went on. “My stepmother and half-sister have bullied me my entire life because my mom died. My father doesn’t care about me at all… He only sees me as a tool and a reminder he doesn’t want.” My eyes burned. That had been one of the hardest parts of it all. I looked up at Candido, meeting his gaze and letting him see how close to tears I was. “I have nowhere else to go, Your Majesty.” His eyes seemed unmoved. His expression hadn’t changed at all. Did he really not feel anything about my situation? The rumors seemed to be true. Tears sprung from my eyes, and I wracked my mind for something to offer, something to do. My stomach jolted as I dragged my gaze over him. He was a handsome man. Hadn’t I heard once that every man wanted a younger, inexperienced lover? I clenched my jaw. My pride burned, but I knew to be sent away would just start the clock for when the Wolf Fang Pack’s associates would find me and drag me back to my fate. It was better to lay down my pride now by choice than have it ripped from me. I pulled my dress over my head, shivering a little as the cool air wrapped around me, and fear made me more nervous. “I’ll do anything,” I said. “Anything you want if you would just let me stay.” I knew this probably wasn’t the first time he had been propositioned, but what other choice did I have? I had nothing else to offer him. “How old are you?” “T-Twenty,” I bit my lower l*p, stuttering on the lie and hoping he wouldn’t call me on it. “I’m an adult.” His nostrils flared. I hoped that was a good thing even though his expression hadn’t changed. I reached for the hooks of my bra as Candido grabbed me by my arm and lifted me off the ground. I swooned a bit as he hefted me onto the bed easily and pinned me down with the weight of his body. I trembled but turned my head, allowing him to drag his nose along my neck and breathe in my scent. I didn’t know what I smelled like to him. Did I smell good? Could he smell what that woman had done to me? Did I smell like I was lying? I held still. He shifted just a bit, seemingly retreating, and I flung my arms around his neck, holding him down. “Please, Alpha King,” I said. My voice trembled even as I tried to sound sultry. “I’m… sure I can please you.” His lips twitched into a sneer. He pulled my arms from his neck and pulled back. His eyes flashed with his wolf. My heart lurched. I curled into a ball, bracing for him to strike me or yell at me. I closed my eyes, too frightened to look up at him and see what expression was on his face now. All I could hope was that he would kill me quickly if that’s what he wanted. Better dead than the fate that woman and my father had planned for me. “Do you know what happens when you lie to the Alpha King, little girl?”
Chapter 2
I shuddered. He knew. I should have known that he would know I wasn’t twenty. I wanted to plead or explain, but the words turned into a squeak of terror as my tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn’t breathe. He was going to kill me. He was definitely going to kill me, and no one would care. The Wolf Fang Pack was a small one like those that tended to get involved with vampires to try and secure more power. Did he think I was a threat? Would he try to interrogate me? Werewolf society had fallen into chaos since the vampires had united under their king and began to infiltrate and sabotage the smaller packs. Before I could say anything to assure him, he spoke. “Look at me,” he commanded. My eyes popped open, obeying him and hoping that I didn’t look like a threat. “ How about we play a game?” “A-A game?” He narrowed his eyes and gave me a slow, cruel smile. “If you win, I’ll grant you sanctuary.” My eyes widened with a spark of hope. “But if you lose….” The ride was silent. The rules of the game were simple. I had to survive the night in the forest near his home. The truck stopped and the door unlocked. My jaw trembled, and I grabbed the handle. I opened it and slipped out of the car. “Good luck,” the driver said stiffly before closing the door. I watched the truck turn and drive back to the house. I listened for the squeal of the tires until the forest went silent around me. Then, something howled in the distance. Fear gripped me. I wrapped my arms around myself and cast my gaze around at every rustle in the bushes. I wanted to run. Maybe being on the run would be better than certain death, but I pushed that thought away. There was nowhere safer for me than with Candido, so I had to pass this test. But how? Something rustled nearby. I turned as the beast roared and began to rush toward me. I screamed. I swore I wanted to survive. If I died, my stepmother and her daughter would be happy. I hate them. I want to live. A powerful force that was not mine took hold of me, and I think I heard the wail of a wild animal. The brightness burning through my eyelids woke me. I was lying in a bed of leaves, a little dazed. Nothing hurt. I didn’t seem to be missing any limbs, but it was daytime. I had survived somehow. I smiled in relief, looking up at the clear blue sky to where the sun was beaming down over the forest, drying the soaked earth and warming my skin. I sat up slowly as a rumbling sound approached from far away. It sounded like a truck, and I drew myself up onto my knees as I remembered. They were coming back to check if I was still here. Would he be pleased that I had or force me into another crazy game? I looked around the clearing and jumped back at the sight of the large beast nearby. It was still, lying a few feet away from me. Its fur was matted from the rain as if it had been there all night. Whatever it was, it was at least three times my size, with more fur than anything I had ever seen. I couldn’t even recognize or guess what it was, but I knew it was dead from how still it was. What had killed it? Why hadn’t it also killed me? I looked down as the coppery scent of b***d filled my nose. My stomach turned violently. I dry heaved as I realized that my wet clothing was stained with b***d and mud. The rumbling of the engine grew closer. I turned and looked back as the truck stopped. An unfamiliar man got out of the driver’s seat. He was dressed in a suit and looked about the same age as Candido. Instead of rich green eyes, his eyes were a deep brown. Candido, dressed in a different suit, got out of the passenger seat. He stilled for a moment as our gazes met. “Do you know what that is?” I shook my head, too frightened to speak. “How did you kill it?” “Me?” I gasped and turned back to look at the corpse, then at Candido. The driver walked towards it and poked the beast with a shake of his head. “T-There’s no way I killed it.” Candido tilted his head, staring at me. “Allen?” The man turned back and nodded. “Dead. I can’t make out her scent on it from the rain, but it’s dead.” My jaw trembled, and I shook my head. “I… didn’t kill it. I couldn’t have.” The muscle in his jaw jumped as Allen drew closer. “I guess the Moon Goddess hasn’t forsaken me after all,” I said, sagging a bit with relief. I had never believed she was watching over me. I didn’t even believe my mother was watching over me. After everything that had happened to me over the course of my life, it was hard to believe that anyone was, but I was wrong. What else could it be if not the Moon Goddess’ grace? Candido scoffed and grabbed me by the chin, pinching so hard that I thought I would bruise. “Ow!” I cried, trying not to wrench away from him. “You’ve already lied to me once, little girl,” Candido narrowed his eyes. “You are lucky not to have joined the others who have lied to me in a miserable death.” “I’m not lying to you!” I said, my eyes burning as the emotions of the night seemed to surge forward and crash over me. His jaw clenched. I didn’t even bother to plead. “I’m not lying.” I sniffled and slumped forward. “You… You said you’d grant me sanctuary… I passed. You said…” My head was spinning. The world started to grow dark. I gasped for breath, fighting to stay conscious. Candido pulled me close. The world was going in and out, but I felt him trail his fingers across my cheek. I felt the fabric of his jacket in my hand and clenched my hand in it, turning into the warmth of his body. His scent was gentle and lulled me closer to sleep. I felt him lift me and heard the crunch of leaves beneath his feet. I felt weightless and safe. Was this really the same man who had me thrown into the woods? “You promised…” I whispered as my consciousness slipped away. I forced my eyes open and swore that his lips were tilted in just the hint of a smile. The cruel alpha king was smiling? Was I hallucinating?