My Secret, My Bully, My Mates.
By Miss L
Free Chapters
Chapter 1
Skylar just wants to be an asset to her pack. She's the daughter of the Beta and her brother is set to take the title after graduation. Her father wants nothing to do with her and is constantly belittling the things she does accomplish. She is the top of her class and the top warrior, but no one knows because she hides in the shadows as much as possible. Her bullies torture her, but never get caught. She takes them on time and time again though to protect other innocent members of her pack. Her brother and his friends ignore her existance and all she wants to do is get out of a pack that doesn't seem to want her and become an Elite Warrior for the Alpha King. She want's to feel wanted and accepted somewhere. Her whole world changes when a new girl shows up and decides to befriend Skylar after an intense training session. She brings Skylar out of the shadows and brings to light the darker side of pack members. Can Skylar get past her past and live the life she wants? ****************** Skylar 6th grade: I’m walking into school behind my brother and Oliver, one of his best friends. They really don’t pay any attention to me and only let me follow them to school because Mary makes them bring me. Mary is my nanny, she has been with me as long as I can remember. My dad is the beta of the pack and really busy, so Mary was brought on to teach me how to ‘behave like a lady,’ which basically means teach me to be silent unless spoken to and out of the way of the men. She does nothing of the sort, but my dad doesn’t know that, as long as I make a good show when he’s around. My brother spends most of his time with the future Alphas, Cameron and Dakota, the future Delta, Sam and the future Gamma Oliver. They travel in a group wherever they go, they are almost worse than some of the girls here. Mary told him to make sure I got to and from school safely after I came home last week with a bruise under my eye and scrapes up my arm. I tried to tell her it was an accident and that I tripped, it was not a big deal, but she didn’t believe me. She knows I have been having trouble with kids at the school. I live in a werewolf pack that feeds on hierarchy and dominance, of course at some point we are all going to start trying to showcase our dominance, we’re middle schoolers. What I have seen though is it’s more the non-ranked kids who are trying to show off for the ranked kids. They are trying to gain status by being noticed. It’s funny to think that some kids are popular, just for the rank they were born into, not what they have actually done. Obviously, everybody wants to be the Alpha’s kids friends. That’s the height of all popularity. My brother, Sam and Oliver aren’t far behind being rank born. I, however, don't matter, even though I am the Beta’s daughter and have Beta blood. I am the reason that my mother is dead, and that is reason enough to shun me to lower than an Omega. That is why Mary fears for me, she has seen how kids openly treat me and no adult does a thing to stop it, not even my father. “Move it fatty. You’re taking up the whole hallway and walking slower than a turtle. Are you sure you’re a wolf?” Kaley sneers behind me. I just move to the side to try and get out of her way. She sticks her foot between my legs and I trip sideways head first into a locker not being able to catch myself with my armful of books. The crash brings everyone to a halt. All eyes are on me, but the only ones I care about are my brother’s. He turned to look at the sound and when I made eye contact he just shook his head, rolled his eyes and turned to walk away, Oliver and Kaley following him. The rest of the kids in the hallway disperse too, some laughing quietly, others not so quietly, but no one stops to help me up. 7th Grade: “Don’t you ever question my authority in front of another student again!” Kaley shoulder checks me into a door leading out to the courtyard in the middle of the school. “I didn’t question your authority, I told you that you can’t hit kids just because they are in your way. If you were late, that is not their fault.” I shouldn’t snap back at her, it only fuels her fire, but she’s starting to get on my nerves. She was late because she skipped second period to go get coffee with her friends and was late getting back to third period, who happens to be a teacher that will report her to her father. Although nothing ever seems to happen when she is reported. I right myself, set my focus down the hallway and move to walk away from the door that was holding me up, but before I can get two steps, Marnie, one of Kaley’s little minions steps out to trip me, then proceeds to dump her iced latte on my head. I hear cackles of laughter then others join in, meaning we attracted a crowd. I look up to see my brother and his friends joining in with the laughter. “Maybe if you trained a little harder and lost some of that baby fat, you wouldn’t be so clumsy.” Kaley says not-so quietly to me then, “Hey boys, are we up for hanging out at the fire pit tonight?” To my brother and his friends.
Chapter 2
Skylar Fall of 8th grade “Come back here you little b*tch.” A brunette goes flying by me with Barbie number 2, Jeanie, stomping after her awkwardly in her wedges and skirt so short and tight I wonder how she managed to keep all her bits covered making the smallest of movements, let alone attempted running. She looks livid and I can see the other two Barbies coming up behind her, strutting, since running or normal walking is not possible in the sky high shoes they are wearing. I don’t know what happened, but these three came back from their summer trip abroad and decided they were the queens of the school and normal rules of decency didn’t apply to them. They were never what anyone would call nice, but they didn’t outwardly harass people either. As the beta’s daughter it was my job to make sure all pack members were protected, even from our own. My father may not want me or take me seriously, my older brother was the true beta, but I took my rank and status seriously anyway since that is the one thing he beat into our heads since birth. We were not to embarrass him in any way as the Beta, the image was the most important thing to him. I step in front of Jeanie, hands up hopefully in a sign of peace. “Why are you chasing her? What did she do, Jeanie?” Jeanie almost falls over trying to stop her momentum in her sl*tty getup. “She got me a D on my paper! That little b*tch was supposed to make me sound smart and get me an easy grade. She purposely got me a bad grade to embarrass me in front of the new teacher. Get out of my way, Skylar.” She snarls at me and tries to push me out of the way looking at me like I am some piece of trash under her designer shoe. “Did you pay her to do a good job, or did you just pick a smart kid in your class and tell them they were doing your work?” “What does that matter? I am a warrior and she is just an omega. She is beneath me and should be glad I was talking to her in the first place.” “Her rank and yours have nothing to do with your school work, and last I checked you are no warrior. You are lazy, and don’t make time to train, let alone be considered competent. That’s your fault, do your own work. Leave her alone. She didn’t volunteer and you didn’t pay her, she owes you nothing.” I refuse to move from her path. I don’t have my beta aura yet, but I figure fake it until you make it right. I stand up as tall as I can, which is not much at my five foot nothing height, and keep stepping in her path as she tries to step around me, to keep her away from the girl. As a ‘warrior’ she should be more agile and be able to easily step around me, but training isn’t on this ‘warrior's’ agenda. “You need to watch what you say to your betters, you murderer. You are not worth sharing breathing room with. Your dad thinks so, your brother thinks so. No one wants you around, so move.” Kaley sneers as she walks up and steps around Jeanie. Marnie, hot on her heels like the good little minion she is, forms the triangle they have decided makes them the most intimidating. I think they have seen Mean Girls too many times. “No one cares about you or your worthless opinions. No one in this pack humiliates us and gets away with it.” With that she shoves past me and heads straight for my brother and his friends. I know they heard what she said to me, werewolves have above average hearing, but as the Future Alphas, Beta, Gamma and Delta, they all have extraordinary hearing. They don’t even flinch at her hateful words. They believe if you can’t take a little criticism, you’re too weak to deal with in the first place. It’s not the first time she’s said those words to me, but they don’t hurt any less the longer I hear them. I blink back the tears burning my eyes, take a deep breath and head home. I hope the girl got away at least. I hope she can avoid those three, but I might have just prolonged the inevitable. I have a feeling this year is going to be a long one. I just need to keep my head down, keep my grades up and stay out of their way. Just a few more years and I can leave this hell hole. Fall of 9th Grade SLAM. Well, that hurt more than it normally does. A groan slips out of my mouth. I don’t remember the lockers biting back so hard. That’s what I’m thinking as I slide down to the floor with my eyes closed and feel the back of my head where it hit the locker, awaiting the next blow. “Happy Monday to you too.” I mutter to no one in particular. “You fat cow, stop getting in my way.” Kaley hisses at me before she slaps me. I can feel a little bit of blood trickle from the side of my mouth, she doesn’t hit that hard, but her fake nails are as sharp as cat claws. I can hear a couple chuckles and one is a little deeper than the others, that would explain the hard blow into the locker. She had one of the boys throw me this time. I don’t look around though, Kaley may skip all of our fight training, but she has proven she can provide torture in many other ways and there are plenty of people who want to be in her circle so bad that they will do anything to anyone to gain approval. “What did I do this time, your highness?” I ask sarcastically, risking a look up at her. I’m hoping to keep her attention long enough for the kid she was screaming at to run away. Kaley doesn’t get her hands dirty anymore, she found out quickly when you are popular or just plain evil, people will do just about anything to stay on your good side, in the hopes of vicarious status or to not be the next victim. Having her father on the school board helps too. None of her actions have ever been caught on camera, so there isn’t proof of anything she does, except the marks all over me, and she has everyone believing I am a weak nobody, that can’t take a hit or heal very quickly. A few kids have been suspended because of her. She harassed one so badly he moved away from our pack to go to school in a neighboring pack where his grandparents live. All because he wouldn’t break up with his girlfriend for her. We were in the fifth grade. Who is thinking about that in the fifth grade? No one talks about that though. The line the pack members believe or at least spread about is he needed extra guidance that the other school provides. “You do not stop me from disciplining a pup. That little toe rag purposely ruined my brand new designer shoes in front of the whole school. She deserves to be punished.” Kaley tosses her platinum bleached hair over her shoulder and rolls her crystal blue eyes at me like I am the dumbest person in the world for not understanding that. It wasn’t the ‘whole school’ it was my brother, the future beta, along with the future alphas, gamma and delta. Those five boys are rarely separated. She was trying to gain the attention of Dakota and Cameron, our future alphas, like most of the girls in our school. Her little minions were focused on the other three, they didn’t really care which one gave them attention as long as they were noticed. As Marnie and Jeanie were ogling the guys, Marnie tripped over this little fourth grader and dumped whatever frufru iced coffee drink all down Kaley’s legs. Kaley will never admit when she and her friends are in the wrong though. The guys walk off chuckling, not even noticing the red tinge to Kaley’s eyes, showing she’s about to blow a gasket. Although, I don’t think she has ever shown them that side of her. She’s not dumb enough to show them her true colors. Her and her friends want to stay in the ranked circle. These boys rule the school like they think our parents rule this pack. They have no idea what they are actually doing, but they like the adoration, you can see it in their eyes. Acting tough and ‘leading by example,’ as they call it. If you want to be the best, act like it, until someone makes you prove it, then don’t lose.